At my current affiliation in Telefonica I+D/GCTO, I am involved in backbone and metro projects for Telefonica Group and European Commission. Currently, I'm involved in the following projects funded by public institutions:
I have worked on these projects:
I started working as an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in September 2009. I collaborated in HPCN projects:
From February to August 2010, I was a visiting researcher at University of Essex in the High Performance Networks Group. During this period I worked on the development of an edge node for file-exchange in OBS networks in FPGA.
I defended my doctoral thesis on April 17th, 2009. I carried out my research at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain and I did an internship for three months at Telecom ParisTech. During this period, I was involved in the following projects:
I started my research career at Telefonica I+D. During this period, I worked in the following projects:
I presented the results of my master thesis (M.Sc.) on the 10th of October 2005. Its title was "Development and implementation of the Spacewire protocol in FPGA". The main objective of the project was to develop and implement a Spacewire coder-decoder in a FPGA. I analyzed in detail the ESA Spacewire standard (ECSS-E-50-12 A) to know all the standard requirements. The Spacewire core was programmed in VHDL, using mainly the Xilinx tools.
Two tools were developed during the core development to evaluate the model and to create the necessary test beds for the core validation.
Once the design was developed, the validation testbed created by the Dundee University, in collaboration with the ESA, was followed to validate the Spacewire core. The design was implemented in a Spartan XC2S200E checking its correct operation.
This is only an overview of the project, but if you need more information about the core or the report (only Spanish available) please do not hesitate to contact me. As a result of my master thesis we published an article in the International Spacewire Conference (2007).